Tuesday, 20 June 2023

The Great Forest by Valinora Troy

The third book of this trilogy is simply wonderful. It starts off very mildly, with  the twins watching the lake and talking about their upcoming 11th birthday. Several plots are weaved  and the reader moves between one plot and another.


Once the reader picks this book up, it is very hard to put iT down, as it is so fascinating. It was a pleasure to read, and this book is suitable for both adults and children, as it carries one into the world of these five children, who have diamond blood in them – even though it is only one small drop!


We meet Thule, the big kindly dragon and father of the firebird. This book also introduces us again to Marvin, the small mire-hog who Cathy had saved in the previous book. We are also introduced to Sylverine, the servant of Queen Rose. Contrary to what had been thought at the end of the second book, Queen Rose did not die. In this third book, the reader meets with Queen Rose in the Great Forest, as evil as ever!


The most exciting part of the book is that of the twins getting separated in the  forest and later on, Queen Rose urging Alan to stab his sister for a drop of blood. In the end, it was Cathy who stabbed Alan and one drop of blood was going into the concoction that Queen Rose had gotten ready. This was magically frozen by the arrival of Lucky and Charlie at the appropriate time.


This book leaves you on tenterhooks about what is going to happen next. In this book, Queen Rose was eaten by Thule. Who knows what will happen next? I do not want to believe that this is the last time that we have heard of the five children and Lucky and Charlie. I look forward to reading about the latter’s wedding and learning more about the children's future.

Friday, 26 May 2023

 If you were the Moon, my Love by Alina Loux

This short picture book is full of positive messages and fantasy. Its author and illustrator is Alina Loux, herself a mother. 

The book inspires young children to dream, to try to reach the moon, or to see a song as a beautiful tune. It exposes the children to nature. This appreciation of nature, is seen in the pages of the book which are full of drawing of the environment around us. Rather than depicting grey buildings, the book shows its positivity through its vibrant colours.

This is a short book which is good for parents or care-givers to read with their child. After all the comparisons with the different types of nature, the book ends with the wonderful words, 'But you are you, My darling Love, and that will surely do...'. This shows the amount of love that a parent or care-giver  shows to his child. It shows attachment and has a sense of acceptance; that one is accepting the child for whoever they are.

There is a sheet of music at the end of the book and the book can be sung as a lullaby to those children who enjoy music. This book is ideal to be read at bed-time, as the book sets the scene for a loving end of the day, where children and adults want to have cuddles and hugs after a long day.